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Survey: BiH most corrupt country in region

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) A new survey by Transparency International concludes BiH is the most corrupt country in the region, according to results released on Wednesday (July 22nd). Corruption is widespread both in Republika Srpska and in the Federation of BiH, according to findings collected over the past two …

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Party re-registration process under way in Serbia

BELGRADE, Serbia The process to re-register political parties, as spelled out under a new law, begins Thursday (July 23rd). All parties will now have six months to collect enough signatures for registration, at a far higher threshold than before: 10,000 for a mainstream party and 1,000 for parties representing minorities. …

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Kosovo asks EULEX about talks with Belgrade

PRISTINA, Kosovo Deputy Prime Minister Hajredin Kuci on Wednesday (July 22nd) sent a letter to EULEX chief Yves de Kermabon about reports that the mission is holding talks with Serbia on judicial matters, including police and customs.

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