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BiH’s security minister sacked

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Prime Minister Nikola Spiric decided on Friday (July 17th) to dismiss Security Minister Tarik Sadovic, the government announced. Earlier this week, Bosniak Party of Democratic Action (SDA) asked for Sadovic’s replacement after he refused to step down. The party sought the minister’s removal due to …

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Greek anarchist group claims attack on ex-deputy minister

ATHENS, Greece A small anarchist group, calling itself Conspiracy of Fire Nuclei, claimed responsibility on Friday (July 17th) for a bomb attack targeting former Deputy Interior Minister Panagiotis Hinofotis, media reported. A small homemade bomb exploded on July 11th outside Hinofotis’ home in the Athens district of Paleo Faliro. The …

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Macedonia: No Urgent Budget Cut Needed

There is no need to make urgent and hasty decisions although Macedonia will probably have to make one more budget cut by year’s end, the new finance minister said Sunday. “Our preliminary analyses indicate that there will be a need for a re-balance in the third quarter of 2009. However, …

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