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Boiko Borissov to rule alone

Boiko Borissov’s party will govern Bulgaria without bringing other parties into a ruling coalition, it emerged after the first round of talks between the country’s right-wing parties on July 15 2009. Borissov’s party, the Citizens for the European Development of Bulgaria (abbreviated as GERB in Bulgarian), which won the biggest …

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Bosniak leader warns of “clashes”

BANJA LUKA Clashes are possible in Bosnia if the work of state institutions is blocked and the Office of the High Representative closes, warns SDA leader Sulejman Tihić. In an interview with Banja Luka daily Nezavisne Novine, Tihić said that he did not know why his earlier statements had caused …

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“Blast in south classic act of terrorism”

PREŠEVO Interior Minister Ivica Dačić says that the explosion in Preševo where a woman and an ethnic Albanian child were injured was “a classic act of terrorism.“ One person has been arrested on suspicion of smuggling arms from Kosovo.

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