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Najavljuju uštede novca, a plaćaju nove komisije

SARAJEVO Parlamentarne istražne komisije o kupovini auta za članove Vijeća ministara BiH i trošenju donacija potrošiće više od 50.000 KM u vrijeme dok iz Administrativne komisije bh. parlamenta najavljuju uštedu od 300.000 KM upravo na raznim komisijama. Takođe, novac za ove dvije istražne komisije parlament je odobrio nakon što je …

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Serb ForMin: Serbs Are Not Welcome In Croatia

Serbian Foreign Affairs Minister Vuk Jeremic gave an interview to the Press paper on Sunday, explaining the country`s foreign affairs goals, the issue of Kosovo, the economic situation and the political situation linked with Croatia. – The economic situation is extraordinary difficult, but our citizens have experienced difficulties before – …

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Stanishev signs Nabucco deal in Ankara on July 13

Bulgarian Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev is to sign the Nabucco deal on Ankara on July 13, the Government press centre has reported. During the official inauguration ceremony, top brass officials from four European Union countries as well as Turkey’s prime minister, Recep Erdogan, are to commit themselves to the Nabucco …

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