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US does not object to Russian base in Kyrgyzstan

BISHKEK The United States has no objections to Russia opening a second military base in Kyrgyzstan, a senior US diplomat said on Sunday during a visit to the Central Asian nation.

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Bulgaria says “no” to plans for reduction of transit of gas through Ukraine: minister

DOBRICH Minister of Economy and Energy Petar Dimitrov said at a press conference in Dobrich, that it is very important Boyko Borisov to understand that elections are over in Bulgaria. “It is virtually the country’s new prime minister and hereafter must take the governing,” Petar Dimitrov said, speaking about the …

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B. Serbs mark anniversary of massacres

BRATUNAC Serbs in Bratunac and Srebrenica, eastern Bosnia, are today marking 17 years since the massacre of more than 3,200 of their compatriots.They were killed in 1992 and 1993 by the forces led by Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) Naser Orić.On July 12, 1992 alone, 69 Serbs were killed, 70 were wounded …

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