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Bulgaria to Lose Council of Europe Accreditation if Elections not Fair

If severe breaches are established during the Bulgarian Parliament elections day, the country may lose the accreditation of the Bulgarian delegation to the Council of Europe. This was announced Saturday by the head of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) delegation to Bulgaria, Tadeusz Iwínski, Darik Radio …

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Leftist Party To Join Albania’s Right-Wing Govt

The Socialist Movement for Integration, LSI, announced on Saturday, that it had accepted a request from right-wing incumbent Prime Minister Sali Berisha, to join the ruling coalition after last Sunday’s poll. Speaking at a press conference in Tirana, the LSI head and former Socialist Prime Minister Ilir Meta said that …

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Cred, cu toate că e absurd!

„Dacă România reuşeşte să parcurgă în 30 de ani drumul spre UE… va fi foarte bine” (Vladimir Voronin, preşedintele PCRM, anul 2000) Credo, quia absurdum! Cred, cu toate că e absurd! Aşa obişnuia să răspundă marele teolog Tertulian celor care, păşind după normele elementare ale logicii, încercau să îi demonteze …

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