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EU: No Need For New Macedonia Ohrid Accord

There is no need for a new Ohrid peace accord as the existing one remains vital for the country’s stability, prosperity and EU-integration, the EU Ambassador to Macedonia Erwan Fouere said Monday in response to calls for the agreement’s revision. “It has been emphasized on several occasions that Macedonia’s road …

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Strategic Roadblocks Continue in North Kosovo

Serbian residents of northern Kosovo continued efforts to maintain a road block at administrative border crossing points with Serbia on Monday. The main cause of protest is aimed against introducing customs checkpoints at the Jarinje and Brnjak administrative crossings with central Serbia. Protesters announced to reporters of Serbia’s Tanjug news …

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US congressional delegation visits BiH

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) High Representative Valentin Inzko met with members of a US congressional delegation on Sunday (June 28th) to discuss the political situation in BiH. He called for a broader commitment by the international community to pressure authorities into meeting their obligations related to the Stabilisation and …

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