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Slovenia, Croatia in New Airspace Dispute

Slovenia and Croatia have entered into a new diplomatic dispute when Slovenia accused its neighbor of violating its airspace only a few days after Slovenia blocked Croatia’s EU accession talks. The Slovenian news agency STA reported on Saturday that two Croatian fighter jets, which were escorting a foreign delegation, had …

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No Violence As Serbs Celebrate Holiday in Kosovo

Serbs nationwide marked Vidovdan (St. Vitus Day) at the weekend, a largely celebrated religious and national holiday. On Sunday, the largest crowd since 1999 gathered for the Vidovdan celebrations, with several thousand people in Gazimestan, located near the Kosovo capital of Pristina, attending a ceremony commemorating the 620th anniversary of …

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Albanians Vote With An Eye To Europe

At the George W. Bush café in the Albanian town of Fushe Kruja, clients were glued to the television screen on Sunday morning as they watched Albania’s parliamentary election unfold. Roughly 3.1 million Albanians are eligible to vote for the country’s next parliament, in one of the most scrutinised elections …

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