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EU Aid To Help Serbia Refugee Crisis

The EU has earmarked 9 million euros for projects aimed at implementing a national plan for supporting refugees and internally displaced persons, IDPs, in Serbia. Josep Lloveras, head of the European Commission delegation to Serbian, yesterday told media that helping IDPs and refugees was a vital initiative, especially during the …

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Nema hitnog smanjenja plata

SARAJEVO – Predstavnički dom parlamenta BiH jučer nije prihvatio hitno smanjenje plaća svim uposlenim u državnim institucijama, čime je Vijeće ministara BiH planiralo uštedjeti oko 40 miliona KM. proceduri, odnosno na jednoj od narednih sjednica, a ne po hitnoj proceduri kako je tražilo Vijeće ministara BiH. “Poslije propasti pregovora s …

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Bosnian leaders criticise Tadic’s visit to Banja Luka

SARAJEVO, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) Local leaders criticised on Tuesday (June 23rd) Serbian President Boris Tadic’s visit to Banja Luka, arguing that he voiced support only for Bosnian Serb leaders.

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