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Sarkozy Recognises Kosovo’s Progress

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu has received a letter from French President Nikolas Sarkozy, reaffirming France’s support for the country. The Monday letter began with words of acknowledgment of Kosovo’s progress since its unilateral declaration of independence in February last year, stating that “in the year and a half since declaring …

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Border Dispute to be Resolved Bilaterally

The Croatian-Slovenian border dispute must be resolved bilaterally by the countries concerned, according to the future president of the European Union, Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt. “This is a bilateral dispute and a solution lies with those countries,” Bildt said in Brussels. “It is time for them to reflect and …

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Croatia’s UN Ambassador Faces Fraud Scandal

The Croatian Foreign Ministry has summoned home the country’s ambassador to the United Nations on suspicion that he used his diplomatic benefits for personal gain. Croatian Ambassador to the UN Neven Jurica, who took office in early 2008, is suspected of having embezzled several hundred thousand dollars worth of taxpayers’ …

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