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BiH napreduje ka ukidanju viza

Author: Mirza Čubro LUKSEMBURG, SARAJEVO – Vijeće EU na jučerašnjem zasjedanju u Luksemburgu ocijenilo je da sve zemlje regiona, uključujući i BiH, ostvaruju napredak u ispunjenju uslova za ukidanje viza. “Vijeće pozdravlja usvojeni i osvježeni izvještaj Evropske komisije o dijalogu sa zemljama zapadnog Balkana o liberalizaciji viznog režima. Izvještaj pokazuje …

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EU foreign ministers green-light visa liberalisation for Western Balkans

LUXEMBOURG EU foreign ministers gave Serbia, Macedonia and Montenegro the green light for visa liberalisation on Monday (June 15th). “The ministers encouraged the European Commission [EC] to launch a procedure to scrap visa requirements for compliant countries with a view of achieving a visa-free regime, ideally by the end of …

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Cypriot leaders discuss territory issue

NICOSIA, Cyprus Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat discussed the territory issue and the opening of a new crossing point in Limnitis on Monday (June 15th). Another meeting is scheduled for June 26th.

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