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NATO To Reduce Troops in Kosovo

NATO Defence Ministers agreed yesterday in Brussels to reduce the KFOR troop presence in Kosovo, taking into account the steady improvement of the security situation there. “The decision to gradually reduce troop numbers will reflect this [security situation] development,” reads a report issued by NATO headquarters.

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West Ponders Move as Bosnian Serbs Breach Deadline

The Bosnian Serb leadership has delivered another blow to the waning international presence in Bosnia, by ignoring a western ultimatum and deadline to abolish a disputed Assembly declaration, media reported on Friday. The Assembly of the Serb-dominated Bosnian entity of Republika Srpska by Thursday evening failed to discuss the demand …

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EC Meets on Serbia Visa Liberalisaton Today

A concluding meeting between Serbian officials and the European Commission will take place today in Brussels before any decision can be made on abolishing the visa regime for Serbian citizens traveling to EU countries. Officials will study the EC report on Serbia to determine whether the country has met the …

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