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NATO to Decide on KFOR Reduction Today

NATO will decide today to what extent it might reduce its troop presence in Kosovo during a meeting of defence ministers scheduled for this afternoon. Currently, the alliance has 13,800 troops on the ground in Kosovo and it is expected that ministers will decide to reduce that number to 10,000 …

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Report: Macedonia, Greece Name Talks in June

The UN-sponsored Athens-Skopje “name” talks will likely resume later this month in Brussels or Geneva, local media in both countries, say citing unnamed diplomats. During the week of June 20, UN mediator Matthew Nimetz will meet with negotiators Adamantios Vassilakis from Greece and Zoran Jolevski from Macedonia to resume the …

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Bosnian Serbs Tenacious against Western Ultimatum

The Bosnian Serb leadership and western diplomats are on a direct collision course as neither side appears ready to back down only a day before the expiration of an ultimatum issued by High Representative to Bosnia Valentin Inzko. The Assembly of the Serb-dominated Bosnian entity of Republika Srpska is expected …

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