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Moguće gašenje Komisije za utvrđivanje trošenja donacija

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO – Istražna komisija parlamenta BiH za utvrđivanje utroška donacija svoj bi rad mogla okončati vrlo brzo i bez bilo kakvog rezultata, kaže jedan od njenih članova Adem Huskić. Parlament BiH odbacio je zahtjeve ove komisije za izmjene Zakona o slobodi pristupa informacijama i izdvajanja 300.000 KM …

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EU Kicks Off Battle For $6 Bln Energy Funds

Advanced green technologies such as superheated solar towers and gas from trees can compete with industry-backed carbon-trapping technology for around $6 billion of European Union funding, an EU document shows. Money could also go to giant wind turbines, made of space-age composites, nearly as tall as the 300-metre-high Eiffel Tower …

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Opposition parties win most EP elections

ATHENS, Greece Opposition parties emerged as winners in most EU countries in the Balkans, following weekend European Parliament (EP) elections. In Greece on Sunday (June 7th), the ruling New Democracy (ND) lost to the main opposition PASOK by four percentage points, 36.75% of the votes, compared to 32.68%. The Communist …

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