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Croatian officials discuss war crimes co-operation

NEW YORK, United States Croatian Prime Minister Ivo Sanader and Justice Minister Ivan Simonovic met on Wednesday (June 3rd) in New York with Hague tribunal chief prosecutor Serge Brammertz, and court President Patrick Robinson.

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US ambassador says Serbia co-operating with Hague

BELGRADE, Serbia US Ambassador to Belgrade Cameron Munter says his country considers Serbia to be co-operating with The Hague war crimes tribunal and has told The Netherlands this. The Dutch government has long refused to advance Serbia’s EU accession process, until it arrests war crimes indictee Ratko Mladic.

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Hague tribunal disappointed with Bildt’s response

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands The UN war crimes tribunal on Wednesday (June 3rd) expressed disappointment over the unwillingness of Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt to testify in proceedings against former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic.

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