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Details of Mladic Diary Revealed

Belgrade’s Blic daily newspaper reveals the personal insights and damning details of the diary of Bosnian Serb wartime general Ratko Mladic, which has been handed over to the Hague Tribunal. Blic daily was apprised of some of the content of the diary by unnamed sources and published those insights on …

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Bosnian Serbs Snub Western Ultimatum

Top Bosnian Serb political parties have snubbed an ultimatum issued by the country’s top western envoy, High Representative Valentin Inzko, inviting him instead to address the Bosnian Serb Assembly to explain his demands. The move is seen as a further unfortunate but expected escalation of relations between the Bosnian Serb …

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EC to Unveil Balkan Visa Report Today

European Commission Vice President Jacques Barrot will unveil a report today in Luxembourg on the on the status of Western Balkan countries’ readiness for EU visa liberalisation at a meeting of EU justice and interior ministers. An official from the current Czech EU presidency told media that though the report …

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