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MP Zmago Calls Serbia, Bosnia Against Croatia

“It is always smart to unite against a common enemy, and that is Croatia who has border disputes with everyone. With Slovenia, Serbia, Bosnia Herzegovina and Montenegro” said the head of the Slovenian National Party, Zmago Jelincic, in an interview for the Frankfurt “Vesti”, the Serbian Diaspora paper. He added …

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Croatia could join EU in 2012

ZAGREB, Croatia Croatia could join the EU no earlier than 2012, European Parliament (EP) rapporteur for Croatia, Hannes Swoboda, told the Vienna-based newspaper Die Presse on Tuesday (June 2nd). He added that this assumes the maritime border row with Slovenia is resolved soon. Slovenia has been blocking the opening and …

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Macedonian won’t withdraw Kosovo recognition

SKOPJE, Macedonia The government on Tuesday (June 2nd) rejected media reports suggesting Skopje may withdraw its recognition of Kosovo’s independence. “Recognition was a very delicate process, which went through all the necessary procedures, and in the end was endorsed with a resolution by parliament,” government Spokesperson Sherif Duraku said. Separately, …

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