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Bildt Declines Karadzic Witness Invitation

A former High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina has declined an invitation from Radovan Karadzic to appear as a witness in regard to an alleged immunity agreement between Karadzic and former US envoy Richard Holbrooke. Carl Bildt, the first High Representative for Bosnia and Herzegovina and current Swedish foreign minister, …

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Kosovo: New Home Welcomes Serb Returnees

Kosovo’s government has earmarked 16,000 euros for the construction of a new house for a Serbian family recently returned to Kosovo, lauding the move as a demonstration of the government’s commitment to ensuring that Kosovo is a true home for all of its ethnic groups. Kosovo’s Prime Minister Hashim Thaci …

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Group Storms Greek-Macedonian Dictionary Promotion

A group of some 20 people, some of them reportedly wearing masks, stormed a press conference late on Tuesday in Athens during which the Rainbow party of Macedonians in Greece was promoting a new Greek-Macedonian dictionary, according to local media reports. Local Kanal 5 TV aired footage of the incident …

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