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Talat expects Cypriot reunification in months

NICOSIA, Cyprus Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat said on Friday (May 29th) chances are “quite high” for settling the Cyprus problem by the end of this year or early next. In an interview with Reuters, however, he warned that the current process may be the last chance to reunify …

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Albania produces 1 million electronic IDs

TIRANA, Albania Interior Minister Bujar Nishani says Albania has produced 1 million new electronic ID cards since January and that the rest will be in the hands of citizens before they need them to vote in the June 28th parliamentary elections. Nishani said on Sunday (May 31st) that there is …

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EU condemns elections in S. Ossetia as illegitimate

BRUSSELS The EU condemned Monday “parliamentary elections” took place in the South Ossetian region of Georgia on Sunday.”The EU does not accept the legality of the “elections”, nor its results,” said a statement by the current Czech EU Presidency late Monday.”The holding of such elections is illegitimate and represents a …

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