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Report: Nimetz To Visit Macedonia, Greece

The UN mediator in the Athens-Skopje name row, Matthew Nimetz will probably visit both countries by June-end in a renewed effort to find a solution to the on-going spat, Greek media say. Nimetz has not confirmed the reports. Wednesday’s edition of Greek daily “To Vima” says that Nimetz will only …

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Italy Wants to Abolish Visas for Serbs

Italian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Franco Frattini, says abolishing the EU visa regime for Serbian citizens is possible by the end of 2009. In an interview with the daily ‘Blic’ newspaper he said: “The time has come to do everything to bring down the borders that separate the Balkan countries …

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Bajdenova bezbjednost u BiH nije ugrožena

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO – Obavještajne i sigurnosne agencije u BiH ne raspolažu saznanjima o bilo kakvoj mogućoj sigurnosnoj prijetnji Džozefu Bajdenu, potpredsjedniku SAD, koji danas dolazi u posjetu BiH. “Državna agencija za istrage i zaštitu (SIPA) i ostale sigurnosne agencije koje sudjeluju u osiguranju posjete američkog potpredsjednika prate sigurnosnu …

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