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Greek Partly Leaves Albania’s Government

The Union for Human Rights Party, PBDNJ, announced on Wednesday that it was dropping out of the coalition the centre-right government of Prime Minister Berisha, to join the Socialist of Tirana mayor Edi Rama ahead of the June 28 elections. Speaking in front of reporters the head of PBDNJ Vangjel …

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EU: Belgrade and Pristina Must Make Amends

Pieter Feith, the EU’s Special Envoy to Kosovo, says neither Belgrade nor Pristina will be able to realise their EU dreams unless they mend relations. “I’m not saying that Belgrade needs to recognise Kosovo’s independence, but there has to exist at least minimal cooperation between the two sides on issues …

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EU Wants Passport Guarantees from Serbia

The European Commission has expressed concern about the way Serbia issues its identification documents, and is concerned that passports could be given out to “all and sundry”, the Blic newspaper reports. The paper says that as a further guarantee for visa liberalisation, Brussels wants Serbia’s passport issuance system to become …

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