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Serbia: SNS Calls for New Elections

The right wing Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) launched a campaign for early parliamentary elections at a rally held in Nis Wednesday, calling it “Serbia’s Future Begins Today”. The SNS at the rally claimed it was going to stand for getting tougher on crime and corruption, promote decentralisation of government, and …

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Austrian EVN Sues Macedonia

The Austrian power utility company EVN, Wednesday confirmed it has filed a law suit against Macedonia at the Washington based International Arbitrary Court. EVN is suing the state for impeding their work in Macedonia as the main power supplier. The company has not disclosed damages they are demanding. “At a …

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Incko neće tolerisati blokade

Author: Mirza Čubro SARAJEVO Visoki predstavnik međunarodne zajednice za BiH Valentin Incko u jučerašnjem obraćanju parlamentu BiH upozorio je vlasti BiH da neće tolerisati blokiranje puta zemlje u EU i zatražio da prestanu raditi suprotno interesima građana. “Kao specijalni predstavnik EU nastojat ću da savjetima pomognem da usvojite potrebne reforme. …

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