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Croatian unions strike despite prospects for deal

ZAGREB, Croatia Employees of elementary and secondary schools, as well as the staffs of research institutions, went on strike Wednesday (May 12th) despite encouraging negotiations between their trade unions and the cabinet, which dragged on through the night.

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Turkey mulls new approach to Kurdish issue

ANKARA, Turkey The government is drafting a series measures as part of a new approach to the Kurdish issue, local media reported on Tuesday (May 12th). This major policy shift was prompted by last week’s tragedy in the predominantly Kurdish province of Mardin, where gunmen killed 44 people at a …

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Basescu responds to Geoana letter

BUCHAREST, Romania President Traian Basescu on Tuesday (May 12th) responded to accusations from Social Democratic Party (PSD) leader Mircea Geoana over inefficient reforms in the judiciary and poor results in fighting corruption.

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