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Bosnian Serb Leader Criticises State Judiciary

The Prime Minister of the Serb-dominated Bosnian entity of Republika Srpska has challenged the legality of the judicial bodies investigating a case that officials say could implicate him of fraud. Infuriated over the probe which according to several officials could also implicate a number of other Bosnian Serb leaders, Milorad …

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Macedonian President Writes To Obama

On his first day after swearing the oath of office, Macedonia’s new President Georgi Ivanov wrote a letter to his US counterpart reaffirming his commitment to finding a solution to the long standing name row with neighboring Greece. “Let me point out our determination to keep up the dialogue with …

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Slovenia Warns EU on Croatia Border

Slovenia said it will reject an EU proposal to use international arbitration to settle the ongoing border dispute with Croatia which threatens to stall Zagreb’s accession to the bloc, unless Brussels accepts Slovene amendments “Unless amendments which are of major importance to Slovenia are included, Slovenia will not accept the …

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