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Eroglu given mandate to form Turkish Cypriot government

NICOSIA, Cyprus The National Unity Party (UBP) leader Dervis Eroglu received a mandate on Friday (May 1st) to form a new government in Northern Cyprus. Eroglu has a 15 day window to form the new cabinet and has said will submit a list of ministers to President Mehmet Ali Talat …

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EULEX starts exhumations to identify missing persons in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Kosovo EULEX has started exhuming bodies in 12 locations in a bid to identify about 2,000 people missing since the 1999 conflict, EULEX spokeswoman Kristiina Herodes said on Saturday (May 2nd). Ten bodies will undergo analysis at the Office of Missing Persons and Forensics. EULEX said it cannot reveal …

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Karadzic asks ICTY to recall French judge

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic asked The Hague war crimes tribunal (ICTY) on Friday (May 1st) to recall French Judge Michele Picard in his case for war crimes and genocide.

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