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Possible Change to Serbian Constitution

Serbian President Boris Tadic said changes should be made to the country’s constitution in order to reduce the number of deputies, streamline and decentralise government. In the interview for the Vecrenje Novosti newspaper, Serbian President Boris Tadic also said that election laws must be changed, along with laws for the …

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Afghan presidential hopeful promises Taliban talks

Afghanistan’s insurgency can be brought to an end through “soft diplomacy” with the Taliban, if Western forces commit to a timetable to withdraw from the country, a veteran of past negotiations with the militants says. Sayed Jalal, a former child prodigy famous across the country for brokering talks between Iran …

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Albania submits application for EU candidate status

TIRANA, Albania Prime Minister Sali Berisha on Tuesday (April 28th) officially submitted Albania’s application for EU candidate status to the current Union president, the Czech Republic. During a ceremony in Prague, Berisha described it as “a dream come true”.

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