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UNMIK’s Zannier says six-point plan on Kosovo is being implemented

PRISTINA, Kosovo UNMIK chief Lamberto Zannier said on Wednesday (April 22nd) that he sees elements of the six-point plan for Kosovo being implemented by the country’s institutions. The plan, proposed by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and approved by the UN Security Council in October, gives more competencies to the Serb …

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Karadzic says he has document proving existence of Holbrooke agreement

THE HAGUE, The Netherlands Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic says the United States has provided him with a document proving he signed an agreement in 1996 with the US envoy in the Balkans at that time, Richard Holbrooke, guaranteeing him immunity before The Hague war crimes tribunal in exchange …

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Hague tribunal still waiting for Croatia’s documents on Operation Storm

ZAGREB, Croatia Prosecutors at The Hague war crimes tribunal have not received documents on the use of artillery by Croatian forces during their effort to regain control of the Krajina region as part of the 1995 Operation Storm, tribunal spokeswoman Olga Kavran said on Wednesday (April 22nd).

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