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Croatia Rejects EU Mediation in Slovenia Spat

Croat President Stipe Mesic has insisted on an appeal to the International Court of Justice in order to settle its border dispute with Slovenia. His comments followed press reports of a European Union proposed arbitration plan. “A court must establish the facts and Croatia will accept any decision reached by …

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Key Race for Bosnian Muslim Leader Heats Up

The son of the uncontested Bosniak (Bosnian Muslim) leader, the late Alija Izetbegovic, says he’ll pull out of politics if he fails to become the new president of the ruling Bosnian Party of Democratic Action, SDA. With this statement, the usually cautious Bakir Izetbegovic has apparently gone beyond the point …

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Serb President’s Trip to Kosovo ‘Only Religious’

Serbian President Boris Tadic’s visit to Kosovo over the weekend should be viewed as a private religious visit by a Serbian citizen, argues the speaker of Kosovo’s Assembly, Jakup Krasniqi. Tadic entered Kosovo on Friday after initially requesting a visit from the European Union office in Belgrade, in order to …

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