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Kosovo Police Turn Back Belgrade Mayor

Kosovo police on Monday prevented Belgrade mayor Dragan Djilas from entering Kosovo’s territory at the customs checkpoint at Konculj. Djilas, who is an official of the Democratic Party headed by Serbian President Boris Tadic, planned to visit the Serb population in eastern Kosovo together with his associates, but was denied …

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Kosovo Foreign Minister Praised at UN Meeting

Kosovo’s Foreign Minister Skender Hyseni has won praise for his performance at the UN Security Council meeting on Monday with Kosovo Albanians saying his rally for the country has never been stronger. Hyseni addressed the council three times, and also argued against Serbia’s President Boris Tadic twice, dismissing his arguments.

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Montenegro ‘Quickly’ Moving Towards EU

Montenegro is efficiently fulfilling its Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU and is quickly moving towards accession, EU Enlargement Commissioner Olli Rehn says. Speaking in Brussels on Sunday after a meeting with Montenegrin Foreign Minister Milan Rocen, Rehn said Montenegro has strengthened its administrative capacity, implemented legal reforms and …

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