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Romania’s PNL to elect new leaders

BUCHAREST, Romania — Members of the National Liberal Party (PNL) are gathering on Friday (March 20th) for a two-day extraordinary congress to elect new leaders. Deputy PNL President Crin Antonescu prompted the move by challenging current party President Calin Popescu Tariceanu for failing to join the ruling coalition after the …

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Spain expected to increase Afghanistan troops after leaving Kosovo

Madrid – Spain’s decision to withdraw its peacekeepers from Kosovo was Friday expected to be followed by an increase of Spanish troops in Afghanistan, press reports said. Spain could increase its contingent of nearly 800 soldiers in Afghanistan with up to 500 more, senior military sources were quoted by the …

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Decentralisation process begins in Kosovo

PRISTINA, Kosovo — A group of cabinet ministries decided on Wednesday (March 18th) to start Kosovo’s decentralisation process. Serb-dominated municipalities will be established in Mitrovica — North, Gracanica, Ranillug, Partesh, Kllokot/Verboc and Novoberde. Six teams will work to secure resources, properties and administrative structures for each. After the next local …

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