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Croatia Begins to Cut Public Sector Wages

Croatia’s government begun its planned salary cuts for public employees and on Wednesday said it would decrease the salaries of 420 state officials by ten per cent, adding that it plans a similar reduction for the salaries of some 2,500 judges and judiciary officials. The ”Jutarnji list” daily said the …

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Kosovo Serbs Invited to Join Decentralisation

Kosovo’s International Civilian Representative has called on the country’s Serb population to begin to take part in the administrative structures at a municipal level, and seize opportunities that decentralisation offer them. “It is the time for the Serbs to make use of the possibilities decentralisation offers to them,” said Pieter …

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Three Afghans Seek Asylum in Kosovo

Three citizens, who said they were Afghans, caught by Kosovo’s police on the Macedonian border near Kacanik, have asked for political asylum. Kosovo’s police did not want to comment or speculate on the reasons that prompted the citizens to seek asylum, saying that “their confidentiality is guaranteed by Geneva’s Convention”, …

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