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Clashes at Kosovo Power Cuts Protest

At least eight police officers and several people have been hurt in clashes between Kosovo Police and ethnic Serbs in eastern Kosovo during a protest against electricity cuts. Regional spokesman for the Kosovo Police Ismet Hashani told Balkan Insight that police confronted some 350 protesters in the central Kosovo Serb …

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Bosnia Mounts Battle Against Recession

Bosnia will use funds gained from its portion of the property of the Former Yugoslavia – amounting to some 90 million Euros – to fill depleted budgets and mount a fight against the worsening economic and social crisis. Economic experts over the weekend welcomed the decision of Bosnia’s state Fiscal …

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Former warlord to fight Karzai in Afghanistan polls

Sherzai welcomes Obama’s bid to reach out to moderate Taliban elements and end bloodshed. A former warlord tipped to unseat Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan’s coming elections has backed President Barack Obama’s plans to negotiate with the Taliban. Gul Agha Sherzai was the first Afghan leader Mr Obama met when he …

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