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Growing Public Hostility to Troops May Hurt U.S. Surge Plans in Afghanistan

KABUL, Feb. 21 — The additional 17,000 troops the Obama administration is preparing to send to Afghanistan will face both an aggressive, well-armed Taliban insurgency and an unarmed but equally daunting foe: public opinion. In more than a dozen interviews across the capital this week, Afghans said that instead of …

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Macedonia PM Slams Greece, Athens Rebuffs

Greece decided to block Macedonia’s NATO accession a year before the April 2008 Bucharest summit but kept its intentions secret, Macedonia PM Nikola Gruevski said on Friday, adding fuel to the fire sparked by reports of a controversial statement by Greek Foreign Minister Dora Bakoyannis. Athens has denied the statement …

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New Status Conference In Karadzic Case

“Due to the fact that the Defence team has not been formed”, Radovan Karadzic said he cannot respond to the Hague Prosecution’s proposal to reinstate the Susica incident into the indictment. At a status conference the Hague Tribunal Chamber ordered Radovan Karadzic to respond to the Hague Prosecution’s motion requesting …

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