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“Kosovo Serbs Warming To Ahtisaari Plan” -ICO

Serb inhabitants of the flashpoint town of Mitrovica have apparently reacted positively to partsof the “Ahtisaari Plan” that aim to create a multiethnic society in Kosovo, said David Slinn, Mitrovica representative of the International Civilian Office, ICO. The ICO’ brief is to support implementation of all status settlements that initiated …

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Ahtisaari Keen On Croatia- Slovenia Mediation

Nobel Peace Prize winner Martti Ahtisaari would be ready to chair a working group aiming to settle an 18-year border dispute between Croatia and Slovenia, enlargement commissioner Olli Rehn confirmed. “Ahtisaari would be in principle ready to chair this group, but for the group to set up we need agreement …

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Macedonia’s Gruevski Sees Approval Rating Melt

After reaching record approval numbers late last year, Macedonia Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski is seeing his popularity fall drastically in the last one and a half month, shows a survey by the International Republican Institute. The survey shows he went from a 61 percent approval rating in December to 51 …

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