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Kosovo ‘A Failed State’ – Serbia’s Tadic

Kosovo is not an independent state despite seceding from Serbia a year ago, Serbia’s President Boris Tadic told AFP in an interview For Serbia, the Feb. 17 anniversary is “a day when the authorities in Pristina declared the independence of Kosovo in an illegal way, based on international law,” Tadic …

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Kosovo MPs Toast Independence

Kosovo’s parliament held a special session on the first anniversary of its declaration of independence on Tuesday, with senior leaders conveying their wishes for the future and promising that the coming years will be more productive and positive. “Our first year was a year of proud for Kosovo,” said Prime …

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Serbs In South Kosovo Bitter, Defiant

While hardline Serbs in north Kosovo plan protests to show their rejection of the independence celebrated troughout Kosovo’s Albanian areas on Tuesday, in Serb enclaves and mixed areas in the south, such as Gracanica and Gjilan/Gnjilane, the mood is sombre and bitter. Serbs in Gracanica and Gjilan/Gnjilane started the day …

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