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Kosovo Expels Roma Child Beggars

Kosovo’s police detained some 40 Roma children for begging on the streets of Pristina at the weekend and sent them back to Albania, officials said. Thousands of Roma, including children and teenagers, have moved from Albania to Kosovo since the end of the 1998-99 war, many eking out a living …

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Serbia Divorces Up, Shotgun Weddings Doomed

One in five marries in Serbia end in divorce, the majority of them in the first three years, statisical data showed, with couples that married because of an unplanned pregnancy having the least chance of making their marriage work. In spite of traditional attitudes and family and social pressures not …

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Macedonia Village Cheers First Birth In 21 Years

The central Macedonian village of Rilevo near the town of Prilep has cheered the arrival of the first baby born in the village in 21 years, local media reported on Sunday. Two-month old Teodora brought joy in the home of Robert and Anila, and sparked hope of better days in …

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