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Kosovo’s Sejdiu To Open Security Conference

Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu will give a speech at the opening dinner of the 45th Munich Security Conference this Friday, a diplomatic coup for the country as it prepares to celebrate the first anniversary of its declaration of independence. Conference organisers bill the gathering of top leaders on the first …

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Macedonia Presidential Hopefuls Enter Bids

Six hopefuls have so far confirmed they have raised enough support for formalizing their candidacy in Macedonia’s presidential election next month, local media said. The deadline for rising the required ten thousand signatures expires on Tuesday at midnight, the State Election Commission said. The candidates who already qualified are the …

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Albanians Push For Kosovo In Islamic Conference

Albania’s Muslim community has started a petition drive to appeal to all 57 members of the Organization of the Islamic Conference, OIC, to recognize Kosovo’s independence. Only 9 out off 57 IOC member states have recognized Kosovo as a sovereign state. Kosovo declared independence from Serbia on February 17 last …

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