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School Bells Ring to Mark Start of 30th Anniversary of Islamic Revolution

TEHRAN (FNA)- Iranian school bells rang throughout the country Saturday morning to mark the glorious return home of the Founder of the Islamic Republic, the late Imam Khomeini, after 15 years of exile in 1979. Meanwhile, trains, ships and factories sounded their whistles this morning as a token of marking …

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Liniştea dinaintea furtunii?

„Există puţine îndoieli că Afganistanul reprezintă în prezent cea mai mare provocare militară pentru noi” (Robert Gates, 27 ianuarie 2009) Dan Dungaciu   Toată lumea a aşteptat cu înfrigurare semnele pe care America le va trimite lumii după învestirea noului preşedinte. Au început să apară. Nu sunt surprize mari, …

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Israel must investigate charges of crimes in Gaza: U.S.

UNITED NATIONS  – Israel must investigate allegations that its army violated international law during its three-week war against Hamas militants in the Gaza Strip, the new U.S. envoy to the United Nations said on Thursday. “We expect Israel will meet its international obligations to investigate and we also call upon …

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