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Pakistanis reopen Khyber Pass for Afghan supplies

JAMRUD, Pakistan (Reuters) – Trucks rumbled through Pakistan’s Khyber Pass on Friday, resuming the transport of supplies to Western forces in Afghanistan three days after authorities suspended shipments to clear out militants. Pakistani Taliban militants in the Khyber region have been trying for months to block vital supplies bound for …

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Lucky few leave as Gaza struggles on

GAZA (Reuters) – They boarded buses in the pre-dawn murk on Friday, lucky foreign passport holders allowed by Israel to escape from seven days of Israeli bombardment in the Gaza Strip. “The situation is very bad. We are afraid for our children,” said Ilona Hamdiya, a woman from Moldova married …

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Russia-Ukraine gas row highlights EU’s dependency

LONDON (Reuters) – Russia’s decision to cut off gas supplies again to Ukraine underlines the urgent need for Europe to reduce its dependency on Russian supply, because the annual row over payments seems unlikely to end soon. Russian gas export monopoly Gazprom cut off Ukraine in the middle of winter …

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