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Strike to halt all Greece flights on Wednesday

ATHENS (Reuters) – Greek flights will be grounded on Wednesday as air traffic controllers walk out for one day to join a general strike over labor reforms and the government’s economic policies, union officials said. “All flights from and to Greek airports will be halted and only emergency flights will …

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Israel postpones release of Palestinian prisoners

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel postponed the release of 230 Palestinian prisoners until December 15, nearly a week later than planned, Israeli and Palestinian officials said Monday. The prisoners make up only a fraction of the 11,000 Palestinians held by Israel. The release, described by Israel as a goodwill gesture to …

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Iraq security contractors face end to immunity

BAGHDAD (Reuters) – Private security guards in Iraq, whose armored convoys once barreled through the streets with impunity, could face being thrown into crowded and violent Iraqi jails once their era of legal immunity ends on January 1. Under a security pact signed with the United States, foreign contractors, including …

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