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Tareq Mitri: Sunt trimisul special al premierului libanez la Sommet

Ministrul libanez al Culturii, Tareq Mitri, a inceput conferinta de presa organizata, joi, cu ocazia Sommet-ului Francofoniei, spunand ca este “trimisul special al premierului” Fouad Siniora, iar prezenta Libanului la eveniment este normala, deoarece Libanul este printre tarile fondatoare al OIF.

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Israel to quit Lebanon today

BEIRUT (Agencies) — Israel plans to pull out the last of its troops from south Lebanon on Sunday in line with a UN resolution that ended a bloody war with Hizbollah, security sources in Israel said on Saturday. The sources said the aim would be to get the soldiers out …

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Iraqi forces place Baghdad under curfew after plot suspect arrested

BAGHDAD (Reuters) — Iraqi forces placed Baghdad under a blanket curfew throughout Saturday after US troops arrested a man suspected of plotting to attack the capital’s government compound with suicide car bombings. US troops arrested a security guard at the home of the leader of the main Sunni Arab political …

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