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UNMIK chief calls for early decision on Kosovo’s final status

Kosovo is making progress and is ready to move ahead, Soren Jessen-Petersen told the UN Security Council on Tuesday (20 June). Calling for an early and successful conclusion of the talks on the province’s final status, the outgoing UNMIK chief warned that delaying a decision could threaten stability and progress.

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One Romanian soldier killed, four injured in mine incident in Afghanistan

BUCHAREST, Romania — One Romanian soldier in Afghanistan died and four were injured after their armoured vehicle drove over a landmine near the Kandahar base on Tuesday (20 June). The injured soldiers were taken to the Canadian hospital in the base run by the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in …

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Ethnic Hungarian partner presses for Romanian government shuffle

BUCHAREST, Romania — The Democratic Union of Hungarians in Romania (UDMR) is seeking a government shuffle, according to a statement from UDMR leader Marko Bela on Tuesday (20 June). He said that his party would back the initiative if it was initiated

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