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Autopsy on Zarqawi’s body

BAGHDAD (AP) — The American military flew in two forensic specialists Saturday to examine the body of slain Al Qaeda chieftain Abu Mussab Zarqawi “to see how he actually died” in an effort to reconstruct the last minutes of his life, a US general said.

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Early blow to hopes for respite in Iraq violence

BAGHDAD (AP) — Sunni Arab insurgents on Saturday displayed the videotaped beheading of three men — alleged members of a Shiite death squad — signalling their determination to fight on despite the  death of Abu Mussab Zarqawi.

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Abbas announces July 26 referendum

RAMALLAH — As thousands thronged the streets of Gaza for the funeral of seven people killed Friday in an Israeli shelling, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas upped the tensions between him and the Hamas-led Palestinian government by announcing a July 26 referendum on the so-called Prisoners’ Document.

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