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Israel sends troops to quell ‘Jewish intifada’

HEBRON (AFP) — Israel drafted hundreds of police reinforcements to the West Bank town of Hebron in a bid to quell what the press on Monday dubbed the Jewish intifada, sparked by plans to evacuate settlers.

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2 Syrian officials give more evidence to Hariri probe

VIENNA (AFP) — Two Syrian intelligence officers began giving evidence in Vienna again Monday to the UN commission investigating the murder 11 months ago of Lebanese former prime minister Rafiq Hariri, a Syrian diplomat said.

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Kuwaitis watch for who will be next crown prince

KUWAIT CITY (AP) — Kuwaitis watched for signals Monday of who would be named the next crown prince, heir to their ailing new emir, Sheikh Saad Al Abdullah Al Sabah, while most of the country shut down to mourn the death of the country’s ruler for the past 27 years.

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