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Global Violence Has Decreased, U.N. Says

UNITED NATIONS (AP) – Armed conflicts have declined by 40 percent since the end of the Cold War primarily because the United Nations was finally able to launch peacekeeping and conflict-prevention operations around the world, according to a new study.

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A new era dawns for Turkey and Europe

Both the EU and Turkey woke up in a new era on the morning of 4 October. Following a marathon eleventh-hour negotiating session, the final hurdles for the launch of accession talks were cleared. As a result, Turkey now finds itself on what is likely a long, bumpy road towards …

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Five years after democratic changes, Serbs still struggle economically

This month marked the 5th anniversary of the revolution that overthrew Slobodan Milosevic, ushering in a new period of democratisation and sweeping economic change. Today the average citizen is far less interested in politics, and far more in the economy and daily survival. According to analysts, Serbia registered significant economic …

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