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EU foreign ministers to debate Serbia’s candidacy and accession talks with Montenegro

Foreign ministers of the EU member states will hold a debate on EU enlargement on Monday in Brussels. During it, they will formulate a decision on Serbia’s candidacy, and a date for start of the accession talks with Montenegro. The final decision regarding the matter should be reached by EU …

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New round of Transniester talks at the beginning of 2012

On 1 December, talks between Moldova and the pro-Moscow separatist region of Trans-Dniester concluded in Lithuania with an agreement for more meetings at the beginning of next year. Lithuania’s Foreign Minister Audronis Azubalis

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EU starts trade negotiations with Georgia and Moldova

The EU decided to launch negotiations on a deep and comprehensive free trade area with Georgia and Moldova in order to boost economic growth and investment with the Eastern European partners. The negotiations will tackle a broad range of trade and economic issues so as to achieve a closer economic …

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