Procesul iranian de îmbogăţire a uraniului este ireversibil. Este declaraÅ£ia făcută de purtătorul de cuvânt al ministerului de interne de la Teheran. AfirmaÅ£ia vine cu cinci zile înaintea expirării termenului pe care NaÅ£iunile Unite l-au acordat Iranului pentru a-ÅŸi suspenda programul nuclear. După data limită oferită de ONU, Consiliul de …
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Casa Albă consideră că ultima înregistrare atribuită lui Bin Laden este autentică. Televiziunea Al-Jazeera a difuzat ieri o casetă în care ÅŸeful reÅ£elei Al-Quaida îndeamnă la “un război de lungă durată”. AdministraÅ£ia americană crede însă că liderii grupării teroriste au fost puÅŸi pe fugă ÅŸi se află sub presiune”.
Un val de atentate cu maÅŸină-capcană a avut loc luni, la Bagdad, provocând moartea a cel puÅ£in opt persoane ÅŸi rănirea altor aproximativ 80, transmite Reuters. Atentatele au avut loc pe fondul eforturilor premierului desemnat, Jawad al-Maliki, de a forma un guvern ale cărui atribuÅ£ii să fie împărÅ£ite între ÅŸiiÅ£i, …
Read More »US spies infiltrate Iran from the Azerbaijani territory
Secretary of the Iranian Supreme National Security Council, Ali Larijani, claims that US secret services are acting against his country, using Azerbaijani and Turkmen territory. As Azerbaijani Echo edition said the allegations came at the threshold of the visit of Ilham Aliyev to Washington.
Read More »Blasts rock Egyptian Sinai resort, 30 killed
Three explosions struck the Egyptian Sinai resort town of Dahab on Monday night, killing more than 30 people and wounding 150 others. The blasts took place at about 7:15 p.m. local time (1315 EDT) in an area frequented by tourists. The Egyptian Interior Ministry said the explosions hit the Nelson and Aladdin …
Read More »Fatah-Hamas tensions escalate
Tensions between Hamas and Fatah supporters flared into a shootout at the Palestinian Health Ministry in Gaza on Sunday, just hours after Palestinian leaders pledged to calm internal unrest, BBC reported.
Read More »Is an Iraq-style regime change possible in Iran?
In a development similar to the incidents leading to the catastrophic U.S.-led war against Iraq, some American media outlets recently launched an anti-Iran propaganda campaign, which includes calls for regime change. This development follows the recent approval of million dollars by the U.S. congress to fund anti-Iranian activities as well …
Read More »Transforming the World into a War-zone
“Our enemies never stop trying to come up with new ways to harm our people, and neither do we.†President George W. Bush
Read More »Russia`s rocket woes
Russian policy makers have reacted with fury to a recent article in Foreign Affairs discussing the growing problems Russia has in maintaining its ICBM nuclear delivery systems.
Read More »Chechen Mujahideen eliminate and injure 22 kafirs and munafiqs
According to spokesman of Military Council Majlisul Shura of CRI, 14 munafiqs and kafrirs were eliminated and 8 others wounded during the combat operations of Mujahideen on April 22-23.
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