The UN war crimes tribunal will deliver its verdict Thursday (June 10th) against seven Bosnian Serb officers suspected of genocide or crimes against humanity in Srebrenica in 1995. Vujadin Popovic, Ljubisa Beara, Drago Nikolic, Ljubomir Borovcanin and Vinko Pandurevic are charged with genocide, while Radivoje Miletic and Milan Gvero stand …
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Albania to boost its contributions as NATO member
Membership to NATO means more defence spending, local media reported on Monday (June 7th). To meet the criteria to join the Alliance, the government had to double defence spending, from about 9m euros in 2005 to about 19m euros in 2009. The money reportedly was used to modernise the military …
Read More »Georgian, French leaders will meet two days before Russian PM’s Paris visit
Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili and France’s President Nicolas Sarkozy will mainly mull execution of the peace agreement dated Aug.12, 2008 during their meeting to be held June 8 in Paris, Georgian Ambassador to France Mamuka Kudava told journalist.
Read More »Germania si Rusia “negociaza” Europa de Est
Cancelarul geman Angela Merkel si presedintele rus Dmitri Medvedev i-au cerut Uniunii Europene formarea unui nou consiliu de securitate care sa se ocupe cu rezolvarea conflictelor de genul celui din Transnistria.
Read More »Spanish Ambassador to Serbia about Kosovo and Serbia’s EU bid
Spanish Ambassador to Serbia Inigo de Palacio Espana says that he believes that Serbia will continue the EU integration process with no Kosovo status as precondition. “Many top-ranking European officials said that this issue will not be set as prerequisite to Serbia’s
Read More »Sabag bi ponovo u humanitarnu misiju
SARAJEVO Muhamed Jaser Sabag, bh. državljanin sirijskog porijekla, koji je bio zatočen u izraelskom zatvoru zbog pokušaja da s još nekoliko stotina humanitaraca brodom dopremi pomoć palestinskom stanovništvu u Gazi, u nedjelju se vratio u BiH. U Sarajevo je doputovala i Mukadera Tanak-Kirbaš, turska državljanka, zaposlena u ogranku organizacije IHH …
Read More »Žele da besplatno izvoze oružje
SARAJEVO Vlada Federacije BiH predložila je Ministarstvu odbrane BiH državni “UNIS Group” iz Vogošće za partnera, koji bi, bez naknade, izvozio viškove starog oružja iz BiH iako ne postoji odluka o izvozu viškova naoružanja i vojne opreme. Ministar odbrane BiH Selmo Cikotić kaže da je Predsjedništvo BiH ranije usvojilo politiku …
Read More »Slovenians opt for agreement with Croatia
According to the preliminary results of the referendum, the border arbitrage agreement with Croatia was accepted by a majority of Slovenians who voted. The incomplete results show that the turnout was at 42.27 percent, while the agreement was supported by 51.48 percent.
Read More »Macedonia opposition pushes name solution
If a solution to the Athens-Skopje name spat is not found soon, Macedonia’s EU and NATO integration could be delayed for a longer period, Macedonian opposition leader Branko Crvenkovski said in an interview on Sunday.
Read More »Ukraine’s President: Recognition of Kosovo’s independence was a mistake
Ukraine’s President Victor Yanukovych said Friday at the press conference, marking his 100 days at the presidential office, that he refuses to recognize independence of Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Kosovo.
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