On Friday, January 29, the Romanian Government will adopt an emergency ordinance, which requires opening a special agency for granting Romanian citizenship in Bucharest and territorial units as Iasi, Galati, Suceava, Cluj and Timisoara.
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Romania will give a grant of 100 million dollars to Moldova
Traian Basescu mentioned Romania will give for Moldova a grant of100 million dollars during 4 years, each year per 25 million, for development.
Read More »Greece, Austria in Balkan integration plan
Austria and Greece have started an initiative for getting all Western Balkan countries into the European Union by 2014. These two countries submitted a letter to EU Foreign and Security Policies Chief Catherine Ashton and EU member-state foreign ministers, stating that it is their goal to get all the countries …
Read More »Predlažu četiri člana Predsjedništva BiH
Stranka za BiH uputila je jučer u parlamentarnu proceduru amandmane na Ustav BiH kojima se predlaže da Predsjedništvo BiH ima četiri člana, umjesto sadašnja tri, te formiranje i četvrtog kluba u Domu naroda parlamenta BiH. Na ove funkcije bili bi birani kandidati iz reda ostalih, a Stranka za BiH amandmanima …
Read More »Traian Băsescu: “We shall sign a partnership agreement”
Traian Băsescu: “We agreed to sign a partnership, which presumes Moldova’s integration in the EU, in order to speed the process, and to include Moldova inside the group of the west Balkans countries”.
Read More »Traian Băsescu: Romania won`t sing a border treaty with Moldova
Referring to the last Border treaty between Moldova and Ukraine, Traian basescu declared that: “Romanian won’t ever sign a treaty in which the border between Moldova and Romania would be redefined”.
Read More »Mihai Ghimpu: “The meeting was a benefic”
Mihai Ghimpu said that the meeting was benefic one and that this will allow to solve some problems which is Moldova confronting, among which obtaining Romanian citizenship, workforce from Romania and scholarships for Bessarabian students.
Read More »Băsescu decorated with “Ordinul Republicii Moldova” order, Mihai Ghimpu was decorated with Steaua României
Moldova’s Interim president, Mihai Ghimpu, decorated Romanian president, Traian Basescu, with the “Ordinul Republicii Moldova” order. “For European values, for the support given you are decorated with the Ordinul Republicii Moldova order”, said Ghimpu. Traian Basescu, on his turn, decorated in exchange Moldovan interim president, Mihai Ghimpu, in the name …
Read More »Traian Băsescu: “Moldovans are European citizens by birth”
Basescu: “In 5 months, since Moldova has a new government, we are sure that we can have a partnership with Moldova, in order to get it close to EU, because Moldovan’s are European citizens by birth”.
Read More »President Traian Basescu starts two-day visit to Chisinau
Romanian President Traian Basescu landed in Republic of Moldova’s capital Chisinau on Wednesday morning, January 27, 2010. The Romanian delegation was received with military honours, and the traditional bread and salt. Moldavian temporary president Mihai Ghimpu greeted Basescu at his plane stairs. Before leaving Bucharest, the chief of state declared …
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