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Contrabasul si retragerea din Irak

Despre criza din Coalitia de guvernare, orice om de bun simt are sentimentul ca s-a produs o gafa de proportii. Practic, politizarea intentiei de retragere din Irak are semnificatiile unei “mineriade” in politica externa, pentru ca ofera o imagine “haotica” despre procesul decizional de la Bucuresti. In politica interna, vinovatul …

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Premierul a ţinut să-i dea replica preşedintelui ţării. Călin Popescu-Tăriceanu şi-a susţinut în continuare poziţia deja cunoscută, cu aceleaşi argumente. El crede că şeful statului a făcut o eroare susţinând menţinerea trupelor româneşti în Irak. De asemenea, modul în care a procedat, fără

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The Cold War is back

Russian President Vladimir Putin, a former KGB agent, is leading his country back into the dark ages of Soviet totalitarianism and instigating a global confrontation between Russia and the United States — as well as between Russia and the West as a whole.  The Russian President has consistently rolled back democratic …

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32 More Russians, Puppets Terminated, Wounded in Chechnya

On June27 to June 28, thirty two  Russian kafirs (infidels) and munafiqs (traitors) were terminated and wounded in different firefights and military divervion operations on the territory of the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria, report Kavkaz Center sources in the Chechen Command. Mujahideen were most actrve in districts Vedeno, Nozhai Yurt,

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